Jyamma Games, the developer behind the Italian-inspired souls-like game Enotria: The Last Song, has indefinitely delayed the Xbox version due to Microsoft being non-responsive.According to a Discord post by Jyamma studio CEO Jacky Greco (via Windows Central), an Xbox version is ready for submission. However, Microsoft has seemingly ignored the studio’s submission ahead of the game’s September 18 release date.”We believe that Xbox is blessed with a huge gaming community and we would love to release Enotria on your platform as fast as possible, as we spent a lot of money and resources to make it happen, but this task is nearly impossible with Microsoft taking months to reply to us when we have the game ready for submission,” Jyamma Games explained in a statement. “If you’d like to help pleas…
Read moreCloth is an artisan good that has a few important uses in Stardew Valley. It is needed to complete one of the community center bundles, to create clothing with Emily, and to craft a few different items and buildings. Cloth can be hard to come by though, since consistently making it requires you to have the upgraded version of the barn or the coop. Here’s how to get cloth.
How to get cloth
Cloth is created by placing wool into a loom. Woo…
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